Club Rules & Constutition
The Constitution and Club Rules as of January 2017-2024
Name and Objectives
1. The Club shall be called the National Lionhead Rabbit Club and shall be affiliated to the British Rabbit Council.
2. The object of the club shall be: To further the promotion, breeding and exhibiting of the Lionhead Rabbit. The suppression of fraud and dishonourable conduct within the club. The advancement and protection of the interest of the Lionhead Rabbits, its breeders and exhibitors
3. The Committee will determine the amount of annual subscriptions. Payment of the subscriptions and acknowledgement by the club in the form of a membership receipt shall immediately convey all the privileges of membership.
4. Membership shall commence on 1st January each year. Any member whose subscription is still unpaid by 1st February will cease to be a member of the club but may rejoin as a new member on payment of their subscriptions.
5. The Committee may refuse membership without assigning a reason BUT must be prepared to give a good and adequate reason if asked to do so by the Investigation Committee of the BRC.
6. The member agrees to be bound by the Club Rules, a copy of which will be given to them upon joining.
7. A member proved to have acted in a fraudulent manner or by his/her actions to bring the name of the club into disrepute might be asked to defend the allegations before the committee.
8. Membership shall consist of full members, Youths under 21 years of age, Senior citizens, Partnerships and Senior Citizen Partnerships.
9. The management of the Club shall be vested in the hands of the elected Officers and Committee. These to consist of President, Vice President, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and a committee of up to eight.
10. The Treasurer to maintain a Bank Account for withdrawals from which two signatures, one being that of the Treasurer will be necessary.
11. A Quorum to consist of five members of committee/officers.
Election of Officers
12. A postal ballot to be held bi-annually for officers, committee and judges. The Ballot papers are to be numbered, by the secretary, and submitted to the BRC for scrutiny.
13. Nominations for all committee posts have to be submitted to the Secretary by a date to be announced in the Fancy Press. All nominations to be proposed and seconded by club members and countersigned by the nominee. A ballot will be held if more than one nomination is received for any committee position.
14. All nominees for Officers and Committee shall have completed two years membership before ballot. Officers, Committee and Breeder Panel. Judges to consist of paid up members only.
15. The Committee have the power to co-opt and to fill any vacancy occurring, but should a vacancy occur during the term for which a ballot had been held, the next person on the voting list shall be invited to take the position.
16. All Officers and Committee members shall retire at the end of the term of office, but shall be eligible for re-election on notification to the Secretary of their willingness to stand.
17. All Full members and Senior Citizens to have full voting rights. Youths under 16 years may not vote in elections. All Partnerships will have two full votes regardless of the number of members within it.
Annual General Meeting
18. The Annual General Meeting to be held at the earliest opportunity in the year, preferably at the Bradford Championship Show or the first Stock Show of the year.
19. The President to open the AGM. The elected Chairperson to Chair the meeting. In the absence of either of these officers, the Vice President and Vice Chairperson to take their duties for that meeting only. The Chairperson to have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.
20. The Treasurer to present an audited Statement of Accounts for approval at the AGM. The financial year to end at a time to allow the audited Statement to be prepared for the AGM. The Committee shall make a recommendation to the AGM for the appointment of an Auditor who shall be responsible to the AGM for auditing the Accounts annually.
21. An Agenda, produced from items submitted by the committee or members before a deadline can only be voted on at the AGM.
22. Any changes to the Rules of the Club or the Breed Standards must be proposed and passed by two thirds of members present and who are allowed to vote at the AGM. Any decisions to be ratified by a ballot of all members, a majority of one shall then be sufficient.
23. The Club shall provide a minimum of three stock shows a year, one each in the North, Midlands and South. These to be held in the Spring, Summer and Autumn/Winter and areas to be alternated if possible.
24. A Club Championship shall be awarded to a Lionhead that has won fifteen stars under four different panel judges. The Champion certificate to specify an entry of three or more entries, unless a Best of Breed certificate with three or more entries is available.
25. Judges for Stock Shows shall be selected from a single Lionhead Judges Panel, consisting of 30 judges- made up of nominated NLRC breeder Judges, and the remaining places by elected BRC Open Panel judges..
26. All Club Cups and Trophies must be signed for and returned by the date given in good condition. All inscriptions will be organised by the Secretary and paid for by the winner. Trophies will not be awarded to any member who has previously failed to return a trophy by the given date, and the last recipient will be invoiced to replace any missing trophies.
27. The Secretary and Chairman must call a Special General Meeting if requested to do so, in writing, by not less than 25% of paid up members of the club. The only business conducted at that meeting shall be that for which it was called.
28. The Club shall not be dissolved except by a Special General Meeting, called for the purpose. The Meeting to be requested by a minimum of 50% of the paid up members. The meeting must have two thirds of paid up members present and a majority vote of 75% must be achieved in order to dissolve the club. Any assets of the club to be held by the BRC.
29. The Secretary to be paid an honorarium to cover out of pocket expenses, which may be varied at the AGM to be paid at the end of each financial year.
30. Any matters not covered by these rules will be considered and dealt with by the Officers and Committee. Their decision is final. Should they deem it necessary they will call a general meeting.
Name and Objectives
1. The Club shall be called the National Lionhead Rabbit Club and shall be affiliated to the British Rabbit Council.
2. The object of the club shall be: To further the promotion, breeding and exhibiting of the Lionhead Rabbit. The suppression of fraud and dishonourable conduct within the club. The advancement and protection of the interest of the Lionhead Rabbits, its breeders and exhibitors
3. The Committee will determine the amount of annual subscriptions. Payment of the subscriptions and acknowledgement by the club in the form of a membership receipt shall immediately convey all the privileges of membership.
4. Membership shall commence on 1st January each year. Any member whose subscription is still unpaid by 1st February will cease to be a member of the club but may rejoin as a new member on payment of their subscriptions.
5. The Committee may refuse membership without assigning a reason BUT must be prepared to give a good and adequate reason if asked to do so by the Investigation Committee of the BRC.
6. The member agrees to be bound by the Club Rules, a copy of which will be given to them upon joining.
7. A member proved to have acted in a fraudulent manner or by his/her actions to bring the name of the club into disrepute might be asked to defend the allegations before the committee.
8. Membership shall consist of full members, Youths under 21 years of age, Senior citizens, Partnerships and Senior Citizen Partnerships.
9. The management of the Club shall be vested in the hands of the elected Officers and Committee. These to consist of President, Vice President, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and a committee of up to eight.
10. The Treasurer to maintain a Bank Account for withdrawals from which two signatures, one being that of the Treasurer will be necessary.
11. A Quorum to consist of five members of committee/officers.
Election of Officers
12. A postal ballot to be held bi-annually for officers, committee and judges. The Ballot papers are to be numbered, by the secretary, and submitted to the BRC for scrutiny.
13. Nominations for all committee posts have to be submitted to the Secretary by a date to be announced in the Fancy Press. All nominations to be proposed and seconded by club members and countersigned by the nominee. A ballot will be held if more than one nomination is received for any committee position.
14. All nominees for Officers and Committee shall have completed two years membership before ballot. Officers, Committee and Breeder Panel. Judges to consist of paid up members only.
15. The Committee have the power to co-opt and to fill any vacancy occurring, but should a vacancy occur during the term for which a ballot had been held, the next person on the voting list shall be invited to take the position.
16. All Officers and Committee members shall retire at the end of the term of office, but shall be eligible for re-election on notification to the Secretary of their willingness to stand.
17. All Full members and Senior Citizens to have full voting rights. Youths under 16 years may not vote in elections. All Partnerships will have two full votes regardless of the number of members within it.
Annual General Meeting
18. The Annual General Meeting to be held at the earliest opportunity in the year, preferably at the Bradford Championship Show or the first Stock Show of the year.
19. The President to open the AGM. The elected Chairperson to Chair the meeting. In the absence of either of these officers, the Vice President and Vice Chairperson to take their duties for that meeting only. The Chairperson to have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.
20. The Treasurer to present an audited Statement of Accounts for approval at the AGM. The financial year to end at a time to allow the audited Statement to be prepared for the AGM. The Committee shall make a recommendation to the AGM for the appointment of an Auditor who shall be responsible to the AGM for auditing the Accounts annually.
21. An Agenda, produced from items submitted by the committee or members before a deadline can only be voted on at the AGM.
22. Any changes to the Rules of the Club or the Breed Standards must be proposed and passed by two thirds of members present and who are allowed to vote at the AGM. Any decisions to be ratified by a ballot of all members, a majority of one shall then be sufficient.
23. The Club shall provide a minimum of three stock shows a year, one each in the North, Midlands and South. These to be held in the Spring, Summer and Autumn/Winter and areas to be alternated if possible.
24. A Club Championship shall be awarded to a Lionhead that has won fifteen stars under four different panel judges. The Champion certificate to specify an entry of three or more entries, unless a Best of Breed certificate with three or more entries is available.
25. Judges for Stock Shows shall be selected from a single Lionhead Judges Panel, consisting of 30 judges- made up of nominated NLRC breeder Judges, and the remaining places by elected BRC Open Panel judges..
26. All Club Cups and Trophies must be signed for and returned by the date given in good condition. All inscriptions will be organised by the Secretary and paid for by the winner. Trophies will not be awarded to any member who has previously failed to return a trophy by the given date, and the last recipient will be invoiced to replace any missing trophies.
27. The Secretary and Chairman must call a Special General Meeting if requested to do so, in writing, by not less than 25% of paid up members of the club. The only business conducted at that meeting shall be that for which it was called.
28. The Club shall not be dissolved except by a Special General Meeting, called for the purpose. The Meeting to be requested by a minimum of 50% of the paid up members. The meeting must have two thirds of paid up members present and a majority vote of 75% must be achieved in order to dissolve the club. Any assets of the club to be held by the BRC.
29. The Secretary to be paid an honorarium to cover out of pocket expenses, which may be varied at the AGM to be paid at the end of each financial year.
30. Any matters not covered by these rules will be considered and dealt with by the Officers and Committee. Their decision is final. Should they deem it necessary they will call a general meeting.